My journey to a whole life . . .

I am beginning my later in life journey to take better care of myself . . . come join me!


Usually when I start a new way of life (and I have started many!) I go from 0-100 and overplan, over hope. I say to myself that this time it will work, this is the answer! I buy way too much healthy food all at once and much is wasted on top of this, I add about what seems like 50 good habits that I am supposed to master in one day. I fail miserably EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

As I begin to look at this pattern I have created, through fresh eyes, I believe anyone would fail at this speed. Could it be the plan in my head is the failure and not me? I am beginning to think so. I need to relook at what I’m doing and be more mindful of the foods I bring into our home. I need to be more mindful of the few good habits I embrace as I begin, knowing I can add more as I grow myself into a healthier lifestyle. This is beginning to feel doable!

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